All of these conversions, because they've been built to spec with computer modelling and CAD systems; they're also upgradable. So if in a few years time the technology changes or adapts; maybe we get faster rapid charging for example. If you want that feature in your electric VW Camper van then you can contact us or we'll let you know and you can just perform that small upgrade. As opposed to having to change the entire vehicle, so we're really proud of being able to offer a truly upgradable camper van that will last you a lifetime.
Now the camper vans themselves; you can pick up a camper van for anything from £5,000 up to £30,000. let's put 30 as the top limit there the realistic side of things is that you need to be spending anywhere above £15,000 pounds. If you're spending less than that then you're going to be spending more than that on repairs and updates. As a broad ballpark figure a paint job for an entire VW Camper ranges between £8,000 and £13,000 depending on who you ask. If paint's a little bit damaged or some corners need touching up, you're going to need a respray that's going to cost a lot of money. What we find is that we work with selected Partners throughout the UK who take in vehicles and perform a kind of thorough upgrade to the mechanical vehicle itself. So everything works perfectly in the vehicle. All things like paint and stuff like that are all sorted. Then we take those vehicles with customers and perform the conversions on those as well. So if you don't have a camper and you're wanting an electric then we can also help you source the perfect camper for you as well.
So I hope that answers some of your questions today. If you have any more questions then please drop a comment below or why not email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Head to the contact us page on our website the best place to go is and we will look forward to speaking to you again soon.